Allied Software Systems Kft
AlliedSoft offers professional integrated services to their clients since 2003.
Main areas: software distribution and support, software development, SaaS/Cloud services, GIS services.

We believe in long-term partnership and know that Customers' trust is our most valuable asset.

- Certified ISO 27001:2014 Compliant Information Security Policy
- Experienced management (+20 years of working experience)
- Full-scale IT services for top risk (Financial/Investment) sector customers
- Continuous presence on the Automotive DMS market since 2003
- Our buisness strategy: quality over quantity

- Experience in building expert project task teams
- Swift reaction to both the market processes and the customer demands
- Extensive network and know-how in the European Automotive retail IT business
- Automotive DMS team: almost 20 highly experienced senior team members
- Fast adaptation to challenges

Strong regional presence
- Direct presence as Automotive DMS distributor in 7 CEE countries (HU, RO, SI, HR, RS, BG, AL)
- Regional Support Centre at Budapest operated in 6 languages
- Extensive experience in Automotive Retail IT /DMS projects both in CEE and Western/Nordic Europe
- Providing solutions and services for more than 100 dealers (and 25 brands) in 7 countries
- Supporting > 3000 end-users
AlliedSoft has experience in multiple areas:
- more than 18 years of experience in Automotive DMS software product development and consulting
- software distribution for Automotive and security products
- Turn-key integrated IT solutions for the Automotive Retail IT business
- modeling of complex buisness processes
- software development with different tools
- operating mission critical systems
- providing HA Cloud / SaaS services
- GIS and professional satellite imagery services
- One of the top DMS systems worldwide, present in 42 countries, + 40 000 end users
- Developed in Finland, owned by DMS giant CDK Global International Inc.
- 30+ agreements with strategic OEMs, Dealer Associations and Parts Distributors
- AlliedSoft is AutoMaster partner and distributor since 2003
- We are present as AutoMaster distributor in 6 CEE countries, we opeate regional support center at Budapest in 6 languages
- AlliedSoft has extensive experience in DMS projects involving AutoMaster both in CEE and Western/Nordic Europe

Software as a Service
- Use the software application, we take care of the rest!
- Using the services does not require investment from the Customer
- Pay-Per-Use
- We provide full technical background (Hardware, Software, Administration, Security, Backups)
- All IT-related risks handled by us
- Flexibility to use up to three version control systems at the same time (Subversion, GIT, Mercurial)
- Easy and sophisticated access and permission management
- User-friendly changelog and graphlog
- High-end break through and data leakage prevention
- Innovative collaboration tools (smart code review, smart commit, process enforcement)
- Multiple repository and instance management
- Built-in analytics and management information system
- Firewall (both HW and SW) developed and manufactured in Europe
- The only firewall complying with EU standards for handling top classified documents
- Fast, user friendly, self-learning interface
- High life expectancy (9-13 years MTBF)
- Modular, fail-safe architecture with redundant power supply and drives
- Meeting defense industry standards
- Cognitive endpoint security solution from Finland
- Centralized management
- Safety solutions for servers, workstations and mobile devices
- Heuristic Analysis and real-time threat intelligence
- Protection on-site, in virtual enviroment and in cloud
Respecting our core values does make a difference, marking our place among the professional IT service providers focused on the Automotive industry.
We are proud to call them our happy customers:

Dealers and Importers of Mercedes network in south-central Europe (Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia)
Car dealers for 20+ brands in four South-Central European countries (Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia)
Bavaria Group, Romania
Mol Group
Pantaservice, Italy
Silver Star, Bulgaria
Tiriac Group, Romania
Allied Software Systems Kft
1115 Budapest, Bartók Béla road 105-113. (Bartók Court Offices)
Central phone: +36 1-920-1550
Email: info@alliedsoft.hu